Ingame commands


Player Management

Some commands take a [player] argument, you may either use a player code as mentioned when /players is executed, or type a part of the players name. As long as the string is unique (not mentioned in more than one player name) it will match against a player. This argument is case-insensitive.

For example:

The following players are online: Chromium, Chilli, Mac and Scratchy.

You could type 'ch', but this will match against three players. In order to get a unique player, 'chr' would be acceptable. This is because it is only mentioned in one player name: 'Chromium'.

Self Statistics


Output to chat: some neat statistics about the player issuing the command.


/register [code]

Associate a player with a user profile.

/register ABC123

Player List


Output to chat: the list of online players, with [player] code as a prefix before each player name.

Statistics for Player

/player [player]

Identical to /me, but you may choose a player to query.


/player FOO

Slay Player

/kill [player]

Kill a player. A death is not added to the players statistics. Useful when a player is breaching server rules such as uncap camping.

Swap Player Team

/swap [player]

Swap a player to the other team. Valid only for Conquest and Rush servers where two teams are featured.

Kick Player

/kick [player] 'reason'


/kick Chi 'You are a bad person'

Kick a player from the server, and display a reason to the player on the menu screen. Notice: Quotation marks are required for reason.

Ban Player Temporarily

/tempban [player] 'reason' [time]

Temporarily ban, and kick, the player from the server for [time] minutes. Notice: Quotation marks are required for reason.

Ban permission must be granted to user to use this command.

Example: Ban player for 25 minutes:

/tempban Scra 'Spawn camping' 

Ban Player Permanently

/permaban [player] 'reason'

Permanently ban, and kick, the player from the server.

Notice: Quotation marks are required for reason.

Permanent Ban permission must be granted to user to use this command.

Playlist modification

Upcoming Maps

/upcoming [number]

Output to chat: Show a list of upcoming maps, with [index] code as a prefix before each map name.

[number] is a number of upcoming maps to show, or you may use all instead. Example:

/upcoming all
Server: All upcoming maps: 4. [RSH] Cold War 5. [CQ] Laguna Alta - 0. [RSH] Laguna Presa 1. [CQ] Arica Harbor 2. [RSH] Valparaiso 3. [CQ] Laguna Presa 

Force Map Change

/forcenextmap [index]

End the current map, and go to [index] map.


/forcenextmap 5

Set Next Map

/setnextmap [index]

Set the map that should be played after the current map.


/setnextmap 2

Force Next Round


End the current round, and go to next round. this may be the same map.

Restart Round


Restart the current round.


Server Manager Stats


Show some useful information about the server manager bot, including the address of the server page.

Global Shout

/shout '[message]'

Output a message to chat and center of the screen of all players.


/shout 'Server will restart in 5 minutes'

Admin List


Generate a list of VIP players that are online.